Minutes – Meeting of November 26, 2016

These are recorded but not yet approved minutes.

Yarmouth Art Society Meeting

November 26, 2016 at the YARC

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm.

Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: For the period from October 29 to November 26, 2016 total funds carried forward was $2760.27, total funds balance was $2675.17. The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Old Business:

 Lucky Choice: There are still tickets available for Lucky Choice. Margriet will send YAS members a description of the Lucky Choice event for us to share with Facebook friends.

Art Lessons for Children: These are free art lessons for children that the YAS is doing in conjunction with the YARC. Dave Gorman is doing one session soon and Anne LeBlanc will be doing a session in the Spring.

Spring Show: We have the YARC booked for the month of March 2016 for our Spring Show and we will be having a tea at some point during the month.

New Business:

December meeting: Margriet will check with Sandy to see if the YARC would be available on December 17 since the last Saturday of the month would be during the holidays. If the 17th is available, instead of a regular meeting, we would have a social gathering and request that members bring finger foods/sweets.


Murray Manor Art Gallery: This art gallery was mentioned at the meeting. It’s located at the corner of Main and Forest Streets in Yarmouth. Artists are chosen by invitation. Perhaps our members would be interested in visiting.

Location for Meetings: The topic of location and attendance of our meetings will be discussed at our AGA in February. We realize that stairs are a problem for some of our members. Margriet will check with Angela at the AGNS about the possibility of having our meetings there as they have an elevator in the building. If our meetings can be held at the AGNS and there is a cost, Josie Pid will look into government grants for operating expenses, which could be used for this and perhaps the yearly charge for the print shop.

Tentative date for next meeting: Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 2pm at Th’YARC

Respectfully submitted

Noella DeMille

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