YAS Minutes – September meeting

These are the minutes of the September meeting. They have not been through the approval process.

Meeting called to order at 2 p.m.

Minutes of June 18 , 2016 read and approved.

Treasurers Report deferred to October 29 2016.

Old Business:

Hospital Hullabaloo was held September 17 2016.Thanks to Carol Rogers for donation of art work to raffle.$218.00 raised from raffle one half to artist. Total of $452.00 raised for Hospital Ladies Auxillary from raffle and art table.

YAS members participated in SWITCH at Alma Square  in June and August.Another SWITCH event will be held September 25th with space available for members at Alma Square.New YAS brochures will be available there.

New Business:

Discussion re upcoming Lucky Choice event. Art work – not bigger than 15 inches; unframed ; prints mounted; value $60-70 ; original work ; tickets $30.00 ; if artists brings in 2 art works they get a free lottery ticket.Margriet will check with Sandy about night available ; possibly first Saturday in December, announcement at later date.

Joanne Park has a little cafe and gallery on Main Street where she would like to hang artists work. Ivan Blades will discuss details with her and Margriet will send out that info in a e-mail to members.

The YARC has received a grant for Art for Children.Looking for artists interested in teaching lessons.Margriet will obtain more details from Sandy and send email looking for expressions of interest. The Printshop artists are already working with YARC on this.

The Write Away Group joint show with YAS will have to be held in the fall 2017 because the museum is not available in the summer.This year the Write Away group will write in response to the artwork. Ideas for a theme will have to be decided at later date.

YAS will be looking into a spring show for members in the lobby of the YARC in 2017.Members will  be notified if this is a possibility.


Discussion re providing programming post meeting ; looking at engaging people more. Should we have more social events, should we ask people outside the membership to present,we would not want to conflict with the AGNS Creative Mind sessions.

Schedule for YAS programming thus far is :

October-Ann Leblanc , Artist

November-Kevin Comeau , Sculptor

January-Steve Arnold , Videographer

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting-Saturday, October 29, 2016

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