YAS – Minutes of October Meeting

Yarmouth Art Society Meeting

These are the unofficial minutes awaiting approval.

October 29, 2016 at the YARC

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm.

Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: For the period from September 24, 2016 to October 29, 2016 total funds carried forward was $2710.52, total funds balance was $2760.27. The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Old Business: 

Switch: There is one more Switch event this year and it’s scheduled for tomorrow. If anyone is interested in participating, the AGNS has agreed to loan tables to us.

Lucky Choice: The art work will be hung on November 14 for Lucky Choice. The evening of the draws will be on Saturday, December 3 with the YARC open from 5:00 till 7:00. The drawing of the tickets will start at 6:00. As usual, artists who donate 2 pieces of art work will receive a ticket for the draw. We encourage members to drop off art works at the YARC print shop prior to November 14 for this fundraiser for the YAS.

Art Lessons for Children: This is a project in coordination with the YARC. So far one YAS member has offered to teach and we are looking for more teachers. Anne LeBlanc said she would be interested and she’d be available in the Spring.

New Business:

Spring Show: The month of March is available for YAS members for our Spring show at the YARC. There will be a $5 hanging fee for each piece of artwork and we ask each member to limit to one large or 2 small items. There was some discussion about possibly having a tea as we’ve done in the past during this exhibit. No decision was made about the tea.


Some YAS members have pieces of artwork at Joanne Park’s place at 298 Main Street, Yarmouth. This is a Cafe/Hair Salon. If other members are interested in displaying their art work for sale, Joanne would likely make room as she would like to see items from a lot of different people rather than just from a few people. Joanne keeps a 20% commission on art work that is sold.

We had a discussion about how to go about having more of our members attend the meetings and help in the preparations for our different activities. It was suggested that perhaps a rule should be put in place saying that members must attend a certain number of meetings in the run of a year in order to participate in the art shows. This was just a discussion with no decision made.

Next meeting will be Saturday, November 26 at 2:00 pm at the YARC

After the meeting Anne LeBlanc did a very nice presentation about her experience with the art of illustrating a story.

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