These are the unofficial minutes of the meeting to be considered for approval at the February meeting
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
January 28, 2017 at the YARC
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm.
Minutes of the November meeting were approved as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: For the period from December 17, 2016 to January 28, 2017, total funds carried forward was $2675.17, total funds balance was $2798.40. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Old Business:
Lucky Choice: Total income from Lucky Choice was $690.00 with $90.00 going to the Photography Club, $120.00 going to the Craft Guild, leaving a profit of $480.00 for the YAS.
Art Lessons for Children: Dave Gorman gave his class. He said overall it was a good experience but there were minor issues. He said he’d prefer an older age group if he did this again. Dave purchased enough art supplies so that paints, brushes, etc can be used for future classes. Anne LeBlanc will contact Sandy Fevens about booking her class.
Spring Show: The YARC is booked for the month of March for our Spring Show. Tentative date for hanging is March 2 so artworks can be dropped off at the print shop during the last week of February. We are asking that members submit 1 large item or 2 small items at the most and there will be a $5 hanging fee for each item. The tentative date for an opening reception is March 4, from 3:00 till 5:00 pm. Margriet will contact Sandy to confirm these dates.
Frequency of meetings: Frequency of meetings will not change but the location may change to the AGNS. Angela will be contacted about having our meetings at 12:00 noon, before their open art studio sessions. Perhaps our members would be interested in staying for the art sessions.
New Business:
Show with Write Away Group: It was agreed that “My Canada” would be a suitable theme for the artists/writers show at the Museum in September and October. The idea would be to illustrate what Canada means to us and to commemmorate Canada’s 150th anniversary. We discussed having our art work completed by July 1st for the writers to have time to see it and determine which item they would like to match a story or poem to. Another idea that was discussed was the art works and the writings being just based on the theme without actually matching the writing with the art work. Virginia will contact Janice Comeau to see if the writers would like to attend our next meeting and to determine how they would like to proceed. It was also mentioned that the Art Society would contribute for a reception at the Museum for Caroline Loose and Cecil Day’s show in August.
Executive Board Members: Next meeting is our AGA. Virginia is chair. Margriet, Dan and Noella have indicated that they would be willing to keep their respective positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary. Dave Gorman would be willing to take on the position of vice president. Deb Field indicated that she’s interested in being on the Exihibits Committee.
Other: Virginia mentioned that the book that we were going to purchase for the library in memory of Alex Gigeroff, is no longer available. It was agreed that she will order “Oxford History of Art” at a cost of approximately $25.
Tentative date and location for next meeting: February 25, 2017 at noon at the AGNS
This will be the annual general meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Noella DeMille