Minutes of March meeting

These are the unapproved minutes of the meeting of March 25th

Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
March 25, 2017 at AGNS
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.
Minutes from the February meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: For the period from February 26, 2017 to March 25, 2017 total funds carried forward was $3310.62, total funds balance was $3387.49. Dan reported that Angela Collier reviewed financial statements and deposits for the YAS and she confirmed that accounts are reconciled and all is in good order. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Old Business:
Opening show Brian Porter: The opening reception for Brian Porter’s show at the museum is on April 1st, we encourage YAS members to attend. YAS members don’t need to provide refreshments as Nadine Gates told Margriet that the museum will look after this.
New Business:
Show with Write Away Group: David hasn’t been able to meet with Marilyn Francis yet to discuss the details of a joint show.
Our Spring Show at the YARC will be over on Thursday, March 30 so the artwork can be picked up as of this date.
Virginia Stoddard has purchased a 3-DVD set called “Story of Women and Art” to donate to the library on behalf of the YAS, in memory of Sheila Miller. We will try to view one of the DVD’s before donating it.
Emily Falencki will be doing an art talk on Friday at 6:30 at the AGNS about her work currently on display.
Judy Sanders is currently working on small paintings and she has asked if the YAS members might be interested in putting on a show of small art work. Judy is only in this area in the summer months so Virginia or Margriet will check to see if this would be possible either at the YARC or the museum.
The community art group currently has an exhibit in the community room of the AGNS. Dan said that the sessions on Thursday evening and Saturday afternoons have been very successful.
Next meeting will be April 29 at 12 pm at the AGNS
Respectfully submitted
Noella DeMille

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