These are minutes as yet to be approved.
Yarmouth Art Society
Minutes of September 30, 2017 meeting
Meeting was called to order at 12 noon at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
Minutes from the June 24, 2017 meeting were read and approved as read.
Treasurer’s reports were presented for the periods : May 27 to June 24, 2017; June 24 to July 21, 2017; July 21 to August 31, 2017; August 31 to September 30, 2017. Final balance forward is $2580.62. Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
Old Business:
Show My Canada: Margriet had contacted Marilyn Francis and the decision was made to not participate. This exciting show is up at the museum until November 10 and the artwork will come down that afternoon.
Show Garson Sisters: Virginia reported on the plans in the works, one aspect of the show will deal with Trudy and Paula’s teaching approach and what they did, one aspect will be the students and their success. The show is planned for the community room at the AGNS, one wall for the sisters and their artifacts, the other 3 walls will be for the students. Some of the successful students, hopefully taking part at various times during the show, are Lauren Walker, Laura Hatfield, Erin Morton, David Gorman and Andre Haines. Tootsie Emin knew the sisters and their teachings as well. Virginia is applyihg for a grant of $3000 to $3500 to cover various things such as travel, shipping of artwork and good quality audio recording.
Switch: The last Switch event was a bit slow but we look forward to next year.
Hullaballoo: The art table did well, raising $353 from sales, $166 from the lottery with $50 going to the artist leaving $469 for the Hospital Auxilliary.
Summer Show at Bread and Olives: The show went very well, it was good exposure. 20% commission went to the cafe.
New Business:
Lucky Choice: This event was successful last year. A message will be sent out this year by Margriet to see if there is enough interest in donation of work from artists, photographers and craft guild. The room needs to be booked with Sandy at the YARC and a decision made as to what date is best to have the event.
New Show at Bread and Olives: Trish and Robert would like us to have another show during November-December. The theme could be things that reflect Fall or the Christmas season. The artwork could go up on October 19 with a tentative date for a reception at Bread and Olives on October 27.
New Art Centre: The announcement has been made that it is going to be built downtown. Plans will be presented to the public on Tuesday, October 10 from 6:30-9:30 at the Grant Hotel.
It was decided to donate an art book to the library in memory of Jack and Lise deGooyer who were great supporters of the art community in Yarmouth. Margriet will make the choice of book.
We had a discussion about programs after the meetings, more workshops, or perhaps a new brochure. It was felt that what we really need is a membership drive. Suggestions were made about possibly using the Vanguard Community Bulletin, phone committee or facebook. Younger people need to be attracted to the Yarmouth Art Society. Marcel d’Entremont, NSCC teacher, has students doing a community artwork project. Carol will invite Marcel to come talk to us about that project.
Next meeting will be held in the community room, AGNS, October 28, 2017 at 1:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Paulette Babin