YAS Meeting Minutes – April

These are the yet to be approved Minutes of the April meeting

Yarmouth Art Society

Minutes of April 21 2018 Meeting

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia,Yarmouth

Meeting called to order at 1:00 PM

Minutes of March 24th 2018 Meeting were approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report

Dan presented documentation from Angela Collier that YAS finances for 2017 were reviewed; no errors noted.The financial statement for the period from March 24th 2018 to April 21st 2018 shows opening balance of 1322.03 and balance forward of 1755.83.This is less the Garson reserve forward of 1755.83.

Old Business :

Show Garson Sisters:Virginia Stoddard gave an update.The Lauren Walker Workshop on March 31st went well. A reception with  Lauren was well attended that evening.

Beth Sweeney a former student now has two pieces of Art in the Garson Exhibit.She will be taking part in the show at a later date.

Next event is the reception with Erin Morton as guest speaker on April 28th .This reception is being catered by YAS members. Please bring sweets or savories for refreshments, wine and beer will be served. Erin’s book For Folk’s Sake will be for sale by Cole Books that evening.

On April 29th Sharing your Stories, a Creative Minds Series, AGNS will be taking place from 2-4.Students and others who knew Trudy and Paula are encouraged to come and share their stories.Burton Leblanc head of the Makeup Department,’The Handmaid,s Tale’ will be the special guest.

Small Pieces Show at Bread and Olives : is up till end of April .The artwork will be brought back to artists at next YAS meeting on May 26th. A discussion with owners will take place re ongoing exhibit.

Show with Write Away Group: artists need to bring in artwork or send images to Margriet for the meeting of May 26th 2018.The artwork will be placed in a room downstairs at the AGNS and the members of the Write Away Group will spend alone time with the pieces to make their choices.

YAS Membership th’YARC : we are awaitng response to our letter asking for more information about the benefits of YAS being  a member.

New Business :

Holy Trinity Arts Activites: Kellianne Land, artist in residence Holy Trinity Church spoke to activities.

Figure drawing classes sessions Wednesday evenings July and August, $8.00 a night with a half hour of getting ready and sharing and two hours of drawing. Register by June 29th 2018.

Call to Artists for an Exhibit inspired by themes related to GODSPELL.The show is in June 2018 at Holy Trinity Church. Delivery of art to Holy Trinity May 26th 2018. Any size,one artwork per artist, 30% commission goes to Holy Trinity Arts.

The Altered Book exhibit a call to artists to create altered books for an exhibit September 2018. More info to come.

Kellianne passed out a Holy Trinity Arts Curated Show Info Sheet.

Plein Air Festival : suggestion of having a festival with artists interested in doing outdoor painting.The Plein Air page on facebook can be used for dialogue. More discussion needs to happen.

A motion was passed to purchase a book for the Western Counties Regional Library, Adopt-A Book Campaign.Virginia brought four Art themed books.The one chosen was the Beaver Hall Group and Its Legacy by Evelyn Walters.YAS member David Mahoney generously provided a donation to cover the cost of the book.

The next meeting of the Yarmouth Art Society will be at 1 pm, May 26th 2018, AGNS Community Room.

Respectfully  submitted

Paulette Babin

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