Minutes of June Meeting

These are unapproved minutes of June meeting

Yarmouth Art Society Minutes June 30, 2018 Meeting

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia,Yarmouth

The meeting was called to order at 1.00 pm.

Minutes of May 26 were approved with correction of “Friday night July 27 instead of Saturday night July 27”.

Treasurer’s Report: for the period May 26,2018 to June 30, 2018 the opening balance is $2729.93 and total balance forward is $3548.78.The total balance forward without the Garson Grant reserve $1458.20 and the Hainstock Grant reserve of $300 is $1790.58.

Old Business:

Show Garson Sisters : Virginia reported on the Unfinished Portrait event with Maggie Mandell.The event went well and the finished portraits were shared with members.Events coming up; on the afternoon of Wednesday July 25, 2-4pm ,Kellianne Land with Jay Leblanc will conduct a puppet workshop for children age 7 to 10 based loosely on Jonah and the Whale.On the evening of Thursday July 26, 6-8pm, Dave Gorman will present a workshop on scratch art for adults 19 and up.On the evening of Friday July 27 Laura Hatfield will be providing a still life drawing session of a sculptered installation created by participants.As well in July Elizabeth Sweeney will be giving talk on Art and disabilities and also grant writing workshop .More info will follow.

Pairings Show with Write Away Group will follow the Print Show  at the Yarmouth County Museum.Work can be brought into the museum  on September 18. For the opening from 2-4 on September 29 sweets are brought in by Write Away and savoury by YAS and the Museum provides refreshments. Margriet will make the poster.

Discussion re booking of a room for our Lucky Choice  event in November.VirginiaStoddard moved and Betty Kowall seconded that we ask for use of Holy Trinity Hall. Kelliann will check with the Holy Trinity Parish Council.

YAS Membership Th’YARC discussed; no communication from the organization yet in response to our question about benefits of membership.It has been several months.There will be public presentation about the new Art Center for stakeholders on July 5, 2018 at 6 pm at the Grand the presentation will include the governance model.Also there is a small group of people invited to another meeting about the operating model of the Arts and Cultural Centre on July 11 2018.

Holy Trinity Arts Activities- Kellianne Land shared with us info  about a Drawing Studio starting July 11. An Altered Book workshop will be on August 11 and an altered book exhibit and open cafe will be opening August 31. A Youth Workshop ages 14 to 18 starting July 7 ,from10 to 5.Anyone interested in creating a work made up of refuse on our beaches,there will be an exhibit on 3rd floor Killam Building the end of July. View the events calendar  @holytrinityyarmouth.ca.

Plein Air Session YAS- everyone welcome to meet 3pm July 14 Yarmouth Bar at the large parking lot on the left side of the road before the causeway.

New Business:

Hospital Hullaballoo- this year will take place September 22. We usually work at a table with donated pieces of art work. Also a larger piece of art is usually donated for auctioning of tickets. Anyone interested in donating or working the table approximately 10 -2 contact Margriet.

Artists at the Farmers Market Annex- Ivan Blades reported that the Craft Guild offered Art Society members to use the Farmers Market Annex twice a month when the Guild is there. If selling works the charge is $14 per day and for promotion of your work it is free.If you wish to participate contact Ivan (ivan.blades@eastlink.ca).

Our next meeting is September 29 2018 at 1pm at the Yarmouth County Museum followed by 2-4 opening of the show with Write Away Group.

Respectfully submitted,

Paulette Babin

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