These are the unapproved minutes of the October meeting.
Yarmouth Art Society
Minutes of October 27, 2018 Meeting
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth
The meeting was called to order at approximately 2:00 pm, after a presentation by Natalie Smith about the progress of the plans for the new arts and cultural centre.
Minutes of the September 29, 2018 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: For the period from September 30 to October 30, 2018 opening balance of $2365.38 and total balance forward of $2077.08. This balance includes $474.58 which is the remaining grant money for the Garson Sisters project, so the actual YAS balance is $1602.50
Old Business:
Show with Write Away Group: October 31 will be the end of another successful show with the Write Away Group and YAS members. Art work should be picked up at the museum on October 31 or November 1.
Book in Memory of Pierre Ferron: Dan has obtained the book by Tom Lynch, 100 Watercolor Workshop Lesson Charts. Dan decided on this book after speaking with Mrs Ferron who thought a book on instructional watercolor techniques would be appropriate.
Lucky Choice: The Lucky Choice event has been cancelled for this year. The next YAS event will be in the Spring.
New Business:
YAS activities in Spring: We had a discussion about possibly having art lessons for children; workshops for adults; an auction with half the proceeds going to the artist and half to the Yarmouth art Society as a fundraiser. We also talked about possibly having an exhibit somewhere other than our usual venues. Margriet will contact Peggy Greene about having an exhibit in a room at the hospital.
Round Table: Each person at the meeting talked about the current art related projects that they are working on.
Next meeting will be a social activity on November 24 at 1:00 pm at the AGNS and will be the last meeting before the new year. You may bring sweets or finger foods if you wish.
Respectfully submitted,
Noella DeMille