These are the unapproved minutes of the November meeting.
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting Minutes , November 24th 2018
Meeting called to order at 2 p.m.
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Yarmouth .
Minutes of October 30 th 2018 Meeting approved as read.
Treasurers Report:
For the period October 30th 2018 to November 24th 2018 the opening balance forward is $2077.08. After income and expenses total balance forward is $3997.08.This balance includes Garson Grant of $474.58 and Print Making Workshop Grant of $1980.00 Actual YAS balance is $1542.50.
Old Business:
-A note was read from Judy Ferron thanking YAS for the donation of the Ron Lynch Watercolour Course Book to the Yarmouth Library in memory of Pierre Ferron and his contribution to the art world. Judy wished the members of YAS good luck in all their creative endeavours.
New Business:
-YAS activities in the spring, Margriet Knubben shared that now Dave Gorman is home a small group of members will be pulled together to bring ideas forward for input and approval at future YAS Meeting.
-Artwork in Hospitals ; Margriet Knubben contacted Yarmouth hospital Site Manager Paggy Green who thought it was a wonderful idea. She will discuss with her colleagues and get back to Margriet.
-Art Show at the Museum ; Virginia Stoddard reported this is still a possibilty for the Yarmouth Art Society, Nadine is looking at possible openings and will let us know.
-Art Classes for Children: Virginia Stoddard reported that we have a tentative business plan :
A 10 week series, age 12yrs and up to minimum no. of 10 registrant @$5.00 a week – $1500. Instructor @ $100.00 per week- $1000 Kellianne Land is available to Instruct. Room lower level Museum -$300 Supplies -? $200 . The budget could balance with the Garson Grant money being held in reserve for possibility of shortfall of money or registrants needing financial help.
A more complete proposal will be brought forward to next YAS meeting including a supply list from Kellianne, an assessment of need for volunteers to help and a to do list . All members present approved ; there is a need for Art Classes for children and this also increases the Yarmouth Art Society’s profile.
Ivan Blades suggested that we have a night of networking to increase the profile of YAS ;this night would be for the general public but with an emphasis on youth as we need the youth to sustain the future of YAS. A lively discussion followed,some suggestions were:
–The night could be structured on certain dates with different themes e.g. watercolour, printmaking . Unstructured format may be better; inviting artists to share what they are doing,( Amber d’Entremont has done work in that area and she may come to our next meeting.) Could this night be at the AGNS on a Thursday when it is open to the public sponsored by Bank of Montreal.
Key people could be identified to invite to ensure the success of the first night. Need to excite the youth , ask them to dream. Need to connect different art forms. Artists could be asked to share their portfolios. It could be a Art Slam; open microphone,art,poetry,music etc.. Supporting a venture like this goes with our mandate. Further discussion will be held at January 2019 meeting, all input welcome.
-Kellianne Land brought up the obvious rift in the Arts community in this area. Forgetting the different physical structures proposed could we look at improving relationships among people in the arts in our area who surely share commonalities and vision. Kellianne presented information about EmcArts whose programs help individuals,organizations and communities take on their most complex challenges through the Arts. Learn about their approach,work and programs at Also you can download a GIA Reader article on that site : “Introducing Community Innovation Labs A New Approach for Harvesting the Power of the Arts to Unlock Complex Problems in Local Systems” by their President Richard Evans and Director of Strategic Initiatives Karina Mangu-Ward. Light refreshments were enjoyed as discussion continued.
Roundtable was held with members sharing thoughts, projects etc. with each other.
Next meeting at 1pm January 26th 2019 at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Community Room.
Respectfully submitted
Paulette Babin