These minutes of meeting subject to approval.
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
April 29, 2017 at AGNS
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.
Minutes from the March meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: For the period from March 25, 2017 to April 29, 2017 total funds carried forward was $3387.49, total funds balance was $2995.59. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Old Business: Judy Sanders’ idea of having an exhibit of small pieces of art work was mentioned again. Virginia will check and see if a location can be found to proceed with this.
New Business:
Show with First Nations: We haven’t yet received a reply from Marilyn Francis about possibly having a joint show with “My Canada” as the theme in September and October. We, therefore, discussed the possibility of doing a joint show with the Art Council presided by Father Maurice. He will bring this up at their next meeting.
Request for sponsoring Photography exhibit at AGNS: Dan explained that this is a tourist orientated photography exhibit with the promotion of local activities in mind. It was agreed that the YAS make a $100 donation towards this show.
Virginia was contacted by Cheryl Harding, chair of the Hospital Hullabaloo, asking if the YAS will be participating again this year. It was agreed that we would participate.
Virginia also talked about a discussion she had with Beth Sweeney about sisters, Trudy and Paula Garrison, who used to teach art classes in Yarmouth and have produced lots of works of art over the years. Virginia and Beth came up with the idea of doing a show of artifacts, photos and paintings about or produced by Trudy and Paula. The AGNS community room would be available during the months of May, June or July 2018 and Virginia believes a grant could be obtained to assist with the cost. It was agreed that Virginia look into this further.
Virginia also mentioned the art talk by Jennifer Angus at the AGNS on May 6 at 2:00 pm.
Next meeting will be May 27 at 12 pm at the AGNS
Respectfully submitted
Noella DeMille