These are the minutes of meeting subject to approval at next meeting.
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
May 27, 2017 at AGNS
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.
Minutes from the April meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: For the period from April 29, 2017 to May 27, 2017 total funds carried forward was $2995.59, total funds balance was $2879.44. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Old Business:
Show small pieces: Virginia talked about three possible locations for the small pieces art show and believes July and August would be the ideal time. The locations mentioned were Bread & Olives, Sip Cafe and Bill Curry’s art gallery. Virginia will discuss this further with Trish of Bread & Olives and with Bill Curry. After some discussion, it was agreed that the pieces of art work should be no bigger than 5X7 including framing with a limit of 3 items per YAS member and if necessary, more than one location could be used at the same time for the show.
New Business:
Show My Canada: Margriet hasn’t been able to meet with Marilyn Francis to discuss this show yet. Father Maurice said he has mentioned to some of the members of the Art Council about participating in the “My Canada” show with YAS members and they seemed interested. He will mention it to more members.
Show Garson Sisters:
The community room at the AGNS has been booked for April and May 2018 for the Garson Sisters show. Virginia talked about having one wall with Garson sisters’ art work, another wall with artifacts and the 2 other walls for art work done by their students
Other: There was no other business discussed.
Next meeting:
Our last meeting before the summer break will be on June 24, at 12:00 noon and will be a pot luck at Ivan Blades’ house in Kemptville. Bring sketch pads, etc.
Respectfully submitted
Noella DeMille