These are the minutes of the meeting as recorded. Approval is at next meeting.
Yarmouth Art Society Meeting
June 24, 2017 at Ivan Blades’ House in Kemptville
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 noon.
Minutes from the May meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s report: Dues from two members were paid at the meeting so the treasurer’s report from May 27, 2017 to June 24, 2017 is as follows. Total funds carried forward was $2879.44, total funds balance was $2909.44.
Old Business:
Show small pieces: Trish at Bread & Olives has agreed to the show from July 10 to the end of August. Open hours are from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Saturday. Virginia will check with Trish about possibly having a reception on a Friday or Saturday, late in the day. Artwork can be dropped off at the YARC print shop by July 6. Due to small size of artwork, a number will be placed beside each piece and a reference sheet done with the numbers and the artist’s information, title of work, medium, etc. Virginia will also ask Trish if she is interested in selling the artwork and keeping a commission. It was also decided to amend size of artwork to 4X5 or 4X6, not including framing.
New Business:
Show My Canada: Margriet met with Marilyn Francis and Marilyn was to check and advise Margriet. So far Margriet hasn’t heard back and she will contact Marilyn one more time. Father Maurice said members of the art council are interested, he will contact them again as a reminder. The show is at the museum from September 5 to 30, and may possibly continue for the month of October. Virginia will confirm this. We will have a reception on Saturday, Sept 9. Artwork can be dropped off at the printshop during the last week of August.
Show Garson Sisters: Instead of this show running for April and May 2018, it may run for four months. David Gorman is on the exhibit committee at the AGNS. Five students of the Garson sisters’ art classes, who have gone on to have careers in art, will show their work.
SWITCH event Yarmouth: Like last year, Margriet suggests we try to set up in Alma Square. Spaces cannot be reserved, it’s first come, first served. The AGNS will provide folding tables and chairs for us to use. Ivan also mentioned that the town has arranged “Art in the Park” for the summer months in case YAS members want to participate. This is on Wednesdays & Thursdays in Frost Park and is open to visual artists, musicians, buskers, etc.
Relation between YAS and YARC: Dan presented a statement of relationship with the Arts Council explaining that the YAS supports a new new Arts and Cultural Centre building, not necessarily on Parade Street. Town council held one workshop with the architect and another workshop is scheduled for mid July to show a model of the new building. YARC members are still saying they want to keep the Parade Street location. Dan made a motion saying YAS supports new arts centre downtown, Elizabeth seconded, it was approved by all. Dan will revise the approved statement of relationship and the motion and send to Margriet for forwarding to Pam Mood, Mitch Bonner, Nancy Hood and others as President.
Hospital Hullabaloo: We will participate in the Hullabaloo as usual. Ivan Blades agreed to provide a painting for the raffle.
Cecil Day is participating in a show at the museum starting at the end of July. The YAS will help with a reception.
Next meeting:
Our next meeting will be September 30, at 12:00 noon at the AGNS
Respectfully submitted
Noella DeMille